Tuesday, June 20, 2017

#rwanderful: Day 9

Today was really good. I loved getting to know the team better through life stories, testimonies, and marriage proposal stories. We laughed so much today with all the silliness that my abs actually hurt from laughing so hard. Marriage proposal stories might be my favorite. We learned so much about each other.

We started off the day at the staff devotion with Africa New Life where we worship the Lord with amazing musicians and John Africa preached about the goodness of God. I have loved this morning so much every year because of the more intimate feeling with less people than church.

The team went to the Kagarama Secondary School just up the hill from the New Life campus. The school has more laptops than any school we have seen, but they need some help beginning to implement the use of them more effectively. I really enjoyed seeing the classroom of one of the teachers who attended the conference last weekend. He had group work going on and really only needed to tweak a few things to make it better. I've seen some really positive changes occurring in classrooms over the years we've been coming.

This afternoon, we had Amanda's home visit with her sponsor child, Teddy, and her mom's sponsor child, John Bosco. I love home visits more than anything else. Getting to spend the BEST 45 minutes with your child is life changing even though it doesn't seem like enough. We were sad because Teddy got on a 6 hour bus ride to come home for the short visit just to get on another bus tomorrow to go back to boarding school. JeJe said that the 45 minutes is worth all the extra travel. Most sponsored children don't ever get to meet their sponsor, so this is a huge encouragement to them and their families. Having his perspective as a former Child Development Officer (social worker who handles the sponsored children's files) was really helpful as we were processing that this afternoon.

bonus to all the cuteness: her name is Blessing

Rocking the Polaroid action

So sweet

The afternoon was restful after the home visit. I was able to read for awhile and then pass out for a few minutes before dinner. Sleep has been hit or miss. Some nights are good, but other nights not so much. You can be praying for the team's health and getting good rest as we finish out the trip.

Bunmi and I had zero fun today.

JeJe is our Burundi Prince model. Zach has more of the model poses. Hopefully those ended up on Facebook somewhere.

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