Janet, my roommate on the trip, told me that as soon as my silky red eye mask went on last night and I laid down, I was passed out and snoring breathing heavily. This is not the first report I've gotten from people I've traveled with. This is just what happens when I'm exhausted. :)
busy day + lesson planning = lists
- Watched a Senior 6 math class which is differential equations (12th grade)
- Watched a Senior 2 English class. They talked about idioms. (8th grade) "Killing a buffalo" in Rwanda is the same as "kick the bucket" in the US. I'm going to make "killing a buffalo" happen.
- I saw Cyusa today!! I talked about him here from last trip.
- I'm teaching vectors tomorrow (should be a great blog, but we'll see how it goes)
- Hanging with 6 other great teachers has been encouraging, challenging, and affirming
- Gave my testimony to the group tonight. The diabetes part makes me cry EVERY TIME with good reason, I suppose. Kinda over crying in front of people.
- We shopped some more.
- I had a hot shower this morning. It's the little things.
- I love our team.
- Judith, the guest house manager, is feeling better. Yvonne, the missions coordinator, is not. It's cold/flu season here.
- Three of us are teaching tomorrow...prayers please. We are trying to show them the excitement learning can bring. It's not all about repetition and copying notes.
- Heartburn is a little better, and I'm glad I'm not nauseous. Brightside.
- Taking a walk in Rwanda is almost as exhausting as running. Need. More. Oxygen.
- This is the third World Cup in a row that I have been out of the country. Other countries actually care, which makes it way more fun.
Thank you for bearing with my random, tired person thoughts from the day. XOXO
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