Friday, January 25, 2013

New Year, New Stuff

OMGoodness! It has been too long since my last blog! ...Teacher life is busy!

Well, I know its almost the end of January (not exactly brand new year), but I wanted to share with you some of the cool things that have happened since 2013 began.

School stuff:
1. I started REALLY using the iPads that I have for my classroom. We had a couple trainings that got me super excited and motivated to just jump in!
2. My kids were excited about learning math...WHAT?!
3. Amanda and I are attempting a "flipped" classroom. Videos teach so I can move around the room and ask questions.
*More to come on this stuff*

Personal Stuff:
1. Claire's volleyball team at the YMCA is in beast mode! Friday nights are the best!
2. I am currently addicted to Downton Abbey. I describe it as "An early 1900's classy British version of Gossip Girl." ha. Same drama. Less sex.
3. My bestie graduated from college and I have seen her more in the last month than in the last 2 years. Time to plan her wedding! Bridal Extravaganza was CRAY!
4. My Bible study group at Grace is amazing, and I have a new motivation to allow God to stretch me in my prayer life.
5. My puppy came to stay with me at my apartment! 
6. I signed up for the Color Run in Houston. Goal: run the whole thing!

All in all a pretty great first monthish of 2013!

So thankful my life belongs to Him.

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